Is Hong Kong safe to visit?

Is Hong Kong safe to visit?

Hong Kong is one of the safest cities in the world.

Safety and enjoyment of participants are of paramount concern to the organisation of any Gay Games organiser, and Hong Kong is no different. As the GGHK organisation, we are happy to let you know that Hong Kong is one of the safest cities in the world. The rates of crime are amongst the lowest in the world. Public violence is extremely rare. Firearms are strictly controlled. Late-night street harassment is very rare, and it is generally safe to walk alone late at night for any gender. The Police force abides by the law and is generally professional and supportive. Corruption is rare, and even a tip in a taxi or restaurant is not expected.

Hong Kong also does not have religious or other extremisms, nor the terror attacks and threats which we have unfortunately become used to in other parts of the world. 

The seasonal inconvenience and potential threats are tropical storms and typhoons. They are relatively common, with about three occurrences per year. November is at the very tail end of the season. Typhoons are widely announced hours in advance, and the city is thoroughly prepared with a standard procedure, in which the city goes into lockdown for a half or full-day. Most offices, shops and restaurants will close, and public transport will be suspended. Thanks to these precautions, most Typhoons have very little impact, and injury is rare. GGHK has developed specific plans to deal with severe weather.

Although Hong Kong is very safe, we shall not be complacent. As part of our duty of care, we work closely with professional security specialists and the Hong Kong Police Force to develop threat analyses and risk mitigation plans, to be prepared for the unexpected.